Flower Street
Celebrant Bouquet
Celebrant Bouquet
Our A la Carte Bouquet options showcase our signature modern and organic design style that is guided by the season. This product is ideal for smaller scale weddings and elopements. If ordered in conjunction with additional products from our A la Carte section we will assume to design the elements to be cohesive and matching unless otherwise noted.
Petite: 1 handed, small bouquet, ideal for those who just want something to hold casually. Also a great option for a bridesmaid bouquet paired with a "Moderate" or "Showstopper" sized bouquet for the celebrant.
Moderate: 1-1.5 handed bouquet, our most popular choice for those looking for an "average" sized bouquet - not too big but not too small!
Showstopper: 2-handed overflowing bouquet, loaded with lush florals. This bouquet is perfect for those who really want to make a statement with their florals.
Whites & Greens: A familiar palette in an elegant and modern design style. This bouquet features stark whites and green florals with accenting foliate, creating a modern take on a timeless colour palette.
Soft Pastels: This palette features soft tones in a playful design style. Guided by the season, this palette could include mauve, peach, blush, lilac, cream, white, green and blue florals.
Moody & Saturated: For those who want to add the drama to their wedding florals. This palette features deep tones that bring the romance and add a dramatic depth. Tied together with accompanying foliage and some lighter toned blooms for balance.
Designer's Choice Seasonal: This option is ideal for those who simply love our design work and want something truly unique. We will use seasonal blooms as well as a selection of flowers that we personally love. Our work often includes lots of colour and variation, designed in a modern and organic style that is dimensional and dramatic. Think spring pastels, vibrant summer saturated tones, warm and neutral autumnal tones, and winter foliage.
All bouquets are wrapped in a coordinated ribbon & come packaged in a vase for hydration throughout the day.
If you are interested in making customizations to your A la Carte bouquet, please contact our team to discuss or leave a note in the section below while ordering. We will do our best to accommodate requests within our design style and floral availability.
Please note pictures are for examples of our work only. Due to seasonality and the nature of our work, no two pieces will create are ever exact replicas.
*Please email us if you require florals during a holiday, or within 2 weeks of your event. We are happy to accommodate special requests when possible.